Rachel McKamey, M.A., Ph.D. candidate

As a former health coach, I have seen how lifestyle changes, eating changes, and fitness have positively impacted women. I have also seen health concerns that no food or exercise could fix. What then? In my own search for answers to chronic pelvic pain and major life changes, I found depth psychology to be the most apt container for modern challenges in mind, body, spirit, and soul. I now offer you the best of both worlds — depth psychologically informed health coaching. A soul-search for the nature of health and wellness.

Your healing journey begins by being in relationship with your inner self. It is a delicate endeavor, yet it takes strength. Nuanced and subtle some days, other days it’s surging with deep energies. The thresholds I walked through (and are still crossing at times) required being committed to being present as much as possible—which is an undertaking. While many find meaning and purpose in this endeavor, sometimes even that is difficult. Just like the affect in a memorable dream, a mythic sensibility to our lives invites us into a relational story that we can wrap our hearts around instead of checking out and losing ourselves.

What is depth psychology? In short, it is a branch of psychology that honors more than mainstream psychology, namely, the unconscious parts that arise through feeling, dream, myth, and image. It is a tool to self knowledge that is wide as it is deep, but above all honors connection and being in relationship to the world, others, and most importantly, our self. C.G. Jung says we flow between sense and nonsense— not good and bad. I call this your beautiful myth.

I’m currently in doctoral dissertation research, my work is titled “Self Expression: Reclaiming Women’s Libidinal Voice for Depth Psychology”